The potential benefits of vibration plate exercise machines:
- – Increased Muscle Strength
- – Increased Mineral Density and Bone Mass
- – Improved Balance
- – Improved Flexibility and Mobility
- – Reduction in Cellulite
- – Improvement in Blood Circulation
- – Enhanced Muscle Building
7 Health Benefits of Power Plate Exercise
Increased Muscle Strength
Did you know that your muscles usually contract about twice per second?
However, the vibration during power plate training will cause a massive 30 – 50 contractions per second!
According to some fitness experts, these kinds of machines will get you a 60- minute conventional workout in just 25-30 minutes of training. Sounds nice or what?
While working out on a vibrating plate, you activate way more muscles as when using a stable surface – turbocharging your workout and taking your training to new levels!
How is that for a benefit?
Increased Mineral Density and Bone Mass
According to several studies, the Power Plate will improve your bone density without putting extra load on your body. The increased bone density might be
an excellent way to help your body fight, among other, common osteoporosis. As you might know, mineral density and bone mass go hand in hand…
And the cool part:
Since the plate is kind on joints, it can be used by all people – either you are big, small – old or young. Many elderly and disabled people can get a proper workout without putting unnecessary strain on their joints and body. Improved Balance.
The vibration caused by the Power Plate forces your body to push itself harder to maintain stability and balance during training. With time, your pelvis, abdomen (core), and back muscles will get stronger. Within a couple of months, you will start noticing vast improvements in balance and body stability.
Improved Flexibility and Mobility
According to a recent study published in the International Sports Physiology and Performance Journal, vibration machines are also effective when it comes to stretching. Incorporating some kind of vibration training before and after a workout will ensure that you improve mobility and flexibility significantly.
These vibrating devices is also commonly used in physical therapy during stretching sessions.
Cellulite Buster
A study conducted in German by SANADERM Professional Clinic for Allergology and Skin Disease showed that 6 months of vibration plate training would reduce thighs and buttocks cellulite by 32.3 percent! Now, this is a massive reduction, or what?
Improvement in Blood Circulation
Using Power Plate can actually also be used to get a comfy massage…
Research has proved that a relaxing massage will increase blood circulation
through the muscles of your body. Doing the right vibration exercise will ensure that you achieve a full body massage.
Improving blood circulation, ensures that your body can get rid of waste products from your muscles quickly. Some of these waste products include lactic acid, which accumulates in tense muscles.
The increased blood flow to your muscles will also help in reducing injury after sport activity – letting your body gain maximum effect from its resting period.
Enhanced Muscle Building
When you use a vibration plate for exercises like planks and press-ups – your chest, core, and arms work harder to maintain their position. Therefore, you get to build muscle more effectively when compared to regular strength training.
If doing calf raises, the intense vibration will make your legs work seriously hard – making the workout way more effective than without the vibration.
But remember:
Muscle building, however, won’t occur overnight. Even when using the Power
Plate! Rome wasn’t built in a day – and neither will your muscles.
When building strength, your patience and endurance come into place.
Keep going even when you feel like quitting – with time, YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!

The Powerplate in video s
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